About Me

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La Masica, Atlantida, Honduras
I'm a missionary serving the Lord in Honduras. I originally moved to here in the summer of 2008 until 2011. After a year away I'm back at Proyecto Alcance aka - Reach Out Orphanage. This is a journal of my life and views here in Honduras.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Not sure what to write

Hello everyone,
Since my last post, I've thought of a lot of things to write about. But jealous me didn't write any of it down. And now that I'm here to write something, my mind has gone blank. So let me think and ramble to you, whatever comes to mind....

First, a week ago today, I was having one of my worst days. I felt so sick, well I was so sick. Not sure exactly what got me sick. The doctor said I might of got something while walking through flood water bare foot or from something I comsumed. I might have had worms in my stomach or just a really bad stomach bug. But man, my body was messed up. I released EVERYTHING from my body. My body would get really COLD, then I would get really HOT!!! And I don't get cold easy, atleast for Honduras standards. I finally gave in and told DAvid to take me to the doctor. He just an injection in my arm and had to keep it there for about thirty mins. to let the medicine slow drip into me. While I was there, a guy came in that apparently accidently shot himself. Atleast that what he said, he admitted drinking at little than night. But after few days, I'm all better and got to enjoy the perfect weather and when to the beach and mountains.

After over two weeks of unlovely rain, we got some perfect weather. Our highs have been in the low 80s with a cool breeze and our lows have been in the low 70s. I went to the beach last Thursday with my friend Sully. She's honduran, but speaks very good english. She taught herself english and teaches 1st grade at the new biligual school in San Juan Pueblo. We finally made it to the beach just before sunset, just enough time for me to take a little swim. We had a great time hanging out an talking. Everywhere we went, she told me, "remember, I speak no spanish." So I was forced to speak in Spanish everywhere I went and not rely on her. Since we were near La Ceiba, we hung out in town and surprised her sister, Cynthia, my translator of Sat. night services, by picking her up from university. She usually has to wait on a private bus and not get home until after 11 pm and she gets out of class at 8 pm.

The school year ends this week, so I'm not too sure what I'm going to be doing with my time during the days. We don't start up again until February. I'm hoping to make it home soon, but that I'm not sure of right now. I need to either leave the country or renew my visa by Dec. 5th.

Not much else is new. I'm slowly losing weight. When I arrived here in June, I weighed 255 lb and now I'm down to 220 lbs. I'm playing soccer with one of the local teams and loving that.

My mind is officially blank on what to write, so I'm out until next time. Oh, all the girls and Luis are good at the orphanage. Take care and God Bless to all!!!

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